The past few months I have been experimenting with Ink tense Pencils on Fabric and getting some amazing results. The use of textile medium gives greater control and ability to blend well together with water soluble crayons. In these workshops I encourage individual creativity and one of my students took her piece in a fantasy direction with pastels colours adding fairies and bugs. It was really lovely. I'm currently running workshops to teach this technique in S.E Queensland. Information and photos are on my website on dates.
Over the Christmas Holidays I had a young sewers class where the children painted their fabric and made different things. Two of the boys(with help from Granma) made a great library bags, another boy painted and stencilled his shirt. One of the girls painted her fabric and made a great cushion embellished with buttons. The other girl used puff paint, stencilling, and free hand painting to create her piece. I really enjoy working with the young ones and we had lots of fun.
I look forward to our next break and having some more fun the the kids.